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Meet our amazing staff

At Flame we believe that it is not just what we are doing but who does it that is important. Many of our staff have already travelled the same journey that our clients are on. Who better to lead the way?

Introducing: Vong Pitou


I am a full-time teacher at the Sen Sok centre, call me Pitou


I have worked for Flame for nearly two years


I love working with the kids.


I’m a very busy person, so when I do get spare time, I usually sleep.


I grew up in an non-Christian family with a single mother and one sister. My mother had to work very hard to support both my sister and I, and also pay for your studies. We didn’t see her very much because she was constantly working long days, and was often very tired. We struggled a lot, as we were poor and had an absent father, and our mother was forced to work very long days.

I became a Christian when I was five years old (in grade 1) after my mother started taking my sister and I to a church on Sundays. My mother did not believe in God herself, but she saw that Christians were good people, and often had amazing transformations happen in their lives. She wanted us to learn from then, and have their influence on our life.

I went to SenSok Primary School from grade 1 to Grade 6. In 2013, when I was in grade 6, I got baptised. After this point onwards I grew to know God more and more. I loved going to youth group at my church, and also would receive free English lessons when I would go. I was able to study Gods word, and even got the opportunity to translate English to Khmer for a team from Singapore. I loved this time in my life. I then moved to SenSok high school to complete Grades 7 to 12.

During my high school years, my family situation was continually hard. My mother was still working very hard to support my sister and I while we studied. Our home was very old, and did not withstand storms very well. The rain and wind would constantly damage the roof and walls, and I would be very scared every time a storm came through.

When I was in Grade 9, I joined an organisation called care for Cambodia. Here, I began teaching the children Khmer Literature and English. I continued this until I finished high school. I also took up Guitar lessons with someone involved with Flame Cambodia. This was my first introduction to Flame. In Grade 12 I again was struggling very much as we had very little money, causing me not to be able to afford extra classes or help to be able to do well. Through God’s grace alone, once of my Sunday teachers saw my need and supported me by purchasing stationary for me and paying for me to attend extra classes. I am very thankful for her, as with that help, I passed high school well.

Unsure of what I wanted to do with my life once I graduated from school, I prayed and asked God to prepare and show me the way that I should go. While I waited to see where He would lead me, I took a part time job at Team Coffee. I only worked there for 15 days before I quit. I had to get up at 4:30, and drive to work and work an 8 hour shift before doing it all again. I had never worked a job like this before, and fell sick very quickly. Hoping God would answer my prayers for my future soon, I continued to pray.

Shortly after this I heard from my friend that Flame needed a teacher. Having already known about Flame in high school, I was excited and applied. I hoped this might be what God wanted me to do, as I had been praying for a good job for me, but also the means to be able to attend university.

I had been thinking more and more about university, and felt that I would like to study English literature. Several people had also suggested that English would be good for me to study, as I already spoke well. When I visited the university, I heard about international relations and felt that was maybe something that I would enjoy more. I completed a test and application to receive a scholarship. Praying to God I said ‘if You want me to study, let me pass, if not, let me fail and I will find another job.’

After a few days, my friend called me and said I had past my tests and had been offered a 100% scholarship! I was so excited and happy. Then, I was told by Flame that I had been accepted for the job. I know that God really looked after me and gave me these opportunities. He blessed me by allowing me to work and study all at one time.

While I was working for Flame, I became more and more busy, and changed my role from a part time teacher to a sport volunteer for six months. A position for a full time teacher was advertised, and after  consulting my family, I took the position and began working full time and studying in the evenings. This is my current role, that I have been in since September 2018.

I have been blessed so much by God. During the first six months of university I lived in the Flame student Centre so that I did not have to travel to my family home every day, as it is further from the university. However once I finished half of my first year of study, I decided to move back in with my family.

I work for flame because I believe in their mission and vision to transform slum-living kids to be the leaders of the future. Personally I have a vision to help and disciple others. I want to make disciples for God and share God’s love with other people by helping them come from a bad situation into a good one. Because of my difficult background, my heart wants to help in particular people who have been though similar things. Many children experience lack of love and care, and through Flame I have the ability to not only show them that, but also show them God’s love and care – which is much greater than what I could show them alone. I am able to help them grow in faith and become good people and leaders, so that one day they can help their family, community and country.

As a SenSok teacher, I go to the after-school centre early and prepare my lessons for the day. I start teaching at 9am, and finish by 11am. I then get the children to stand in a line, and I help them to wash their hands, brush their teeth and I will then give them some food for lunch. Once this is done, I spend some time with the children, answering any questions they have, and bonding with them. Then I prepare my afternoon lessons, and we begin again at 1pm. All classes finish at 4pm, but I must stay until 5pm to clean up. From there, I will quickly go home and then go back to university to begin at 5:45pm. University finishes at 9pm and it will take me half an hour to get home. I am studying International Relations, as I would like to one day work as a government official so I can reach more people  to help. When I work in the government I would like to be an investor and help my country communicate better with other countries and form relationships. I want to eliminate poverty, and develop Cambodia into a powerful and thriving county.

Understandably, I find sometimes find working full time and studying very hard to do. It is all worth it however, as God helps me, and I love it. Often times the children will encourage me when I am tired or busy. I am so thankful.


Personally, I find that praying helps me when I am in a situation where I am unsure of what to do. So, I would say to pray about the situation and persevere through it.

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